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WE LOVE EYES FOUNDATION. Do you believe that education is empowerment? As a 1st generation American and the 1st person in my family to graduate from college – I'm a firm believer in putting yourself in a position to receive opportunity. I've never been afraid of working those extra hours and taking those extra classes. After 20 years of practicing optometry, I am still a student. 

I am super excited to announce and thankful for the opportunity to partner with Soroptimist International. We Love Eyes will be offering educational scholarships to women looking to enter / re-enter the work force through trade school education until 2028. 

$130,320 DONATED TO UKRAINE CRISIS RELIEF. A sincere thank you to Dr. Katya Bej, OD for connecting us to MedWish International. We appreciate the opportunity to send our Mist Hypochlorous Eyelid & Eyelash Cleansing Spray to Ukraine for frontline emergency wound care. 

CLEAN EYES ARE ALWAYS IN HIGH DEMAND. You've experienced this. When your eyes feel miserable, so does your day. We believe that clean eyes are a basic human right, but not everyone has the opportunity to experience this. We Love Eyes wants to change it. 

WE'VE DONATED OVER 25,000 CLEAN EYES. As the owner and founder of We Love Eyes, my brand ethos has always revolved around making choices that promote healthy eyes and happiness. The more We Love Eyes we sell, the more we can make this happen. For every order = one donated.

PARTNERING UP WITH COMMUNITY. Thanks to your support, We Love Eyes has donated to partners that support our brand ethos - healthy eyes create happiness. From building self-confidence in adolescent girls to providing personal care packages for our troops, We Love Eyes is dedicated to helping.

LOOKING FOR A WE LOVE EYES PRODUCT DONATION FOR YOUR ORGANIZATION? We are currently looking to add to our partner list. If you also believe that clean eyes can create (even a little bit of) happiness, please email us:

We Love Eyes works with shelters, nonprofits, and organizations dedicated to helping women and U.S. troops. My father is a retired U.S. Army veteran. Organizations that help U.S. troops hold a special place in my heart. Thank you for all you do and we look forward to doing the dirty work together, xo. 

Love + Healthy Eyes,

Dr. Tanya Gill – Optometrist, Founder & CEO