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Meet Dr. Tanya Gill

Hello and welcome to We Love Eyes!

In 2014, I started We Love Eyes to help my patients with their eye problems - red eyes, irritated eyes, dry eyes, inflamed eyelids, styes, and lash loss.

When it comes to the delicate nature of eyes, ingredients are everything. I wanted to provide my patients with healthier and more thoughtful options: vegan, cruelty free, made without gluten, sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, or fake fragrances / colors.

Thanks to my organic chemistry courses at UC Berkeley, and my obsessive desire to create unique, effective products – We Love Eyes has grown from an idea to a recognized brand name within the eye care community. Every time you hold a We Love Eyes product in your hand, know that I made it with purpose. Because, we love eyes.

Now let's do the dirty work, xo.

Dr. Tanya Gill – Optometrist, Founder & CEO