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Here's some tips to help you with milia.
Use a facial steamer to soften up the skin cells surrounding the milia. 5 minutes a day can help skin cells that are trapping milia to soften and hopefully loosen.

Try a gentle chemical exfoliant. This is your eye area, so less is more. Gentle and lower percentages are a good starting point. I like Farmacy Deep Sweet 2% BHA and a fan of Paula's Choice Skin Perfecting 2% BHA. Here, saturate a Q-tip with the chemical exfoliant and apply directly on to the milia with the top of the Q-tip. Remember less is more because not all eyelid skin can tolerate chemical exfoliants.
Grab our Eyelid Scrub & Exfoliate Kit. Dot a little bit of foam on the Eyelid Scrub Mitt. Adding warm water is a personal preference. If you're allergic to tea tree oil, you can use either Tea Tree Water Eyelid Foaming Cleanser or SuperGLA Eyelid & Eyelash Foaming Cleanser. Gently run Eyelid Scrub Mitt back and forth. Back and forth. This will help to prevent new milia and also target existing milia especially after steaming.

Do not over exfoliate. Too much chemical or physical exfoliation will just end up damaging your eyelid skin barrier. What you want to do is space everything out, especially in the beginning. For example, the first week on Monday do the facial steam. On Wednesday you can do the physical exfoliation step. On Friday, you can do the chemical exfoliation step and then grow, increase, and customize from there.

Love + Healthy Eyes, 
Dr. Tanya Gill, OD