When it comes to eye problems such as blepharitis and dry eyes, it can be very frustrating. My patients tend to experience good days and bad days, No rhyme. No reason. In 2016, I started inventing tools to help my patients with very specific eye problems that originated at the eyelid margin. I found that my products, although very thoughtful . . . having the right tools on hand - made all the difference with scoring more good days than bad.

After several years and feedback from my blepharitis and dye eyes patients, the consensus was this: having all of these tools on hand helped the bad days become good ones. I am a firm believer that no two eyes are the same and no two days are the same - and that's what makes blepharitis and dry eyes frustrating.
Here we will talk about eyelid debris and the tools that bring the most success. Most of the time, my patients have no clue where to start. The number one starting point will always be the clinical evidence. Let's start.

Eyelid debris cause eye problems. You could be experience so many things: itching, redness, tearing, discomfort, foreign body sensation, sticky eyelids in the morning, blurry vision – but what is it? Truly? Don't skip this. Invest in a lighted magnification mirror.

This one is $300 and always sold out. I know that's a chunk of change. Blepharitis and dry eyes are expensive eye problems because they always come back. Many of my patients spend thousands of dollars in palliative care at my clinic. Here, you can take control. Identify, clean with precision, and prevent flareups.

Once you've identified the type of eyelid debris you currently have, it will be much easier to target and clean up the root cause of the eye problem. My patients love this process because understanding the appearance of eyelid margin becomes the best tool - prevention.

Sounds simple enough, but it's not. Diligently removing allergens such as pollen and eye makeup from the eyelids and eyelid margins is a chore, but gives instant results. Most of my patients that wear makeup do a lousy job of removing it. That's why I'm not a fan of makeup remover wipes. Fast and lazy (which I love!) - but just highly ineffective at the eyelid margin.
When you completely remove allergen sources, your relieve your tear film from having to work to flush them out for you. Now your tear film can concentrate on what it does best - lubricate your eyes.

Lash loss is the eye problem here. This type of debris is very stubborn because it cements to the base of the eyelash. You'll see this with the 10X mirror and know exactly what to do. My patient that helped me invent this tool just was so frustrated - he asked for a fork to 'stab it all out." Not as dramatic, but that's what I made him.
This type of debris usually comes back, so cleaning with the "fork" and rolling with heat on a regular basis will earn you success. Some of my patients have to do this daily. Some just once a week. Your 10X mirror can help you figure out the timing.

Capped glands from posterior blepharitis, aka meibomian gland dysfunction is the most common form of blepharitis in my clinic. I made this brush for my patient that asked for an "eyelid toothbrush." Using the 10X mirror, that capped / clogged meibomian gland is scrubbed away in SECONDS.
The capped gland is tiny and impossible to see with the naked eye, but responsible for all sorts of eye problems. Here is a short list of eye problems caused by capped glands. See why knowing the type of eyelid debris is key?
"Dr. Gill, there's an eyelash in my eye, but there's not."
"Dr. Gill, the contacts you prescribed are so dry."
"Dr. Gill, my eyes feel like there is sand in them."
"Dr. Gill, my eyes are red and by the end of the day, they are bloodshot."

Lash loss, discomfort that is worse in the morning than compared to night, and dry eyes are the most common complaints when it comes to demodex mites blepharitis. Many people can have mites in their eyelid margins and be symptom free and happy. If you are one of those people with symptoms - demodex is a bugger. Pun, I know. Constant and continued removing of the demodex debris, aka collarettes is vital.
If you have this cylindrical type of debris that wraps around your eyelashes at the eyelid margin - it's likely demodex. Using the right tools daily with my tea tree oil products can get you back on track. My patients that have demodex blepharitis have the most flare ups and flare downs. So please remember to clean, clean, clean and don't stop.
Love + Healthy Eyes,
Dr Tanya Gill, xo