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Never Use Baby Shampoo on a Baby or your Eyelids. Here's Why!

When I was in optometry school I was taught to treat symptoms of eyelid inflammation, called blepharitis, with baby shampoo. For the past 15 years, I did just that. I recommended baby shampoo to thousands of patients because that's what I was taught in school. If it's safe enough for a baby, it's gotta be safe enough for the eyes! Right? 

Never Use Baby Shampoo on a Baby or your Eyelids. Here's Why! Photo Credit:

It turns out that I was totally, 100% dead WRONG. And I had no idea! Here's why I will never use baby shampoo on a baby or any of my patient's eyelids for as long as I live. Pinky swear.

Johnson's Baby Shampoo has ingredients that rank as a 'moderate to high hazards' and can actually cause eye allergies! Who knew? One great resource to look up the safety profile of any cosmetic product is They rank ingredients on a scale of 0-10, from low to high hazard. See below:

Never Use Baby Shampoo on a Baby or your Eyelids. Here's Why!

So I did a search on Johnson's Baby Shampoo and here's what I found:

FRAGRANCE: Allergies/immunotoxicity, Miscellaneous, Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Ecotoxicology


PEG-80 SORBITAN LAUREATEAllergies/immunotoxicity, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Contamination concerns (ETHYLENE OXIDE1,4-DIOXANEETHYLENE OXIDE1,4-DIOXANE)


COCAMIDOPROPYL BETAINE: Use restrictions, Allergies/immunotoxicity, Ecotoxicology, Contamination concerns (COCAMIDOPROPYL DIMETHYLAMINE3-DIMETHYLAMINOPROPYLAMINENITROSAMINES-in the presence of nitrosating agents)


PHENOXYETHANOL: Irritation (skin, eyes, or lungs), Occupational hazards, Use restrictions, Organ system toxicity (non-reproductive), Allergies/immunotoxicity


So if you're using baby shampoo at this exact moment, STOP! It could actually be making your eyelid symptoms worse. And I'm not sure about the toxicity to the rest of your body. Yikes! So that's why I invented our cleansing oil kit. It's the safest way to perform eyelid scrubs. Even agrees!

Never Use Baby Shampoo on a Baby or your Eyelids. Here's Why!