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Where Exactly Do You Use the Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush for Effective Blepharitis Treatment?

BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT EYELID MARGIN SCRUB BRUSH posterior blepharitis care eyelid scrub for blepharitis effective blepharitis treatment eyelid hygiene routine ocusoft lid scrub We Love Eyes

Where Exactly Do You Use the Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush for Effective Blepharitis Treatment?

Blepharitis is the most common eye problem involving the eyelids. By definition, blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelid - so it can happen for many reasons: allergy, bacteria, demodex, eczema, etc. Here we'll discuss my approach to posterior BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT and how to use your Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush to target cleaning your posterior blepharitis with precision.





BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT EYELID MARGIN SCRUB BRUSH posterior blepharitis care eyelid scrub for blepharitis effective blepharitis treatment eyelid hygiene routine ocusoft lid scrub We Love Eyes

The Importance of Proper BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT

Effective BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT starts with understanding the anatomy of your eyelids. For posterior blepharitis, the problem is a the meibomian glands. Therefore, you must focus on cleaning exactly on the eyelid margin where the meibomians glands secret oil. This is the same place aka the waterline – the location where eyeliner is tightlined. It is also that fleshy junction between the inner eyelid and outer eyelid. Knowing anatomy is crucial to proper BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT. 




If You Can't See it, You're Not Cleaning It

The 10X Lighted Magnifying Mirror

Patients that invest in a good 10X lighted magnifying mirror do extremely well. In the exam room, I use a slit lamp magnifier to clean the eyelids. Glasses, contacts or not - your eyes cannot see as well as a slit lamp magnifier. Get the mirror.




BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT EYELID MARGIN SCRUB BRUSH posterior blepharitis care eyelid scrub for blepharitis effective blepharitis treatment eyelid hygiene routine ocusoft lid scrub We Love Eyes

Stay On The White Lines

Use Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush exactly on the eyelid margin as shown here. The white lines show exactly where you want the head of the brush to gently scrub. The head of Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush is just 5mm wide - perfect for this precision work. Scrub each eyelid for no more than 30 seconds to avoid over scrubbing. You can cherry pick areas on the eyelid that might need more attention. Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush allows you to customize the cleansing for your BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT.




More on Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush

  • Read more Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush tips <HERE>.
  • See 10 most frequently asked questions, FAQs <HERE>.




BLEPHARITIS TREATMENT EYELID MARGIN SCRUB BRUSH posterior blepharitis care eyelid scrub for blepharitis effective blepharitis treatment eyelid hygiene routine ocusoft lid scrub We Love Eyes

Meet the Optometrist Behind Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush

Dr. Tanya Gill, OD, Founder of We Love Eyes. I made Eyelid Margin Scrub Brush so my patients could repeat what I was doing for them in the exam room. Just remember to always use one of my cleansing oils (see below) with the brush. The cleansing oil is the cleaning agent but more importantly, a buffer between the eyelid and the bristles. Check out to explore an eye care routine designed to address your unique concerns.



We Love Eyes Cleansing Oils


Tea Tree Eye Makeup Remover Oil (teal label)

Rosemary Eyelid & Eyelash Cleansing Oil (green label)

Tea Tree Eyelid & Eyelash Cleansing Oil (brown label)



















  • posterior blepharitis care
  • eyelid scrub for blepharitis
  • effective blepharitis treatment
  • eyelid hygiene routine
  • ocusoft lid scrub
  • We Love Eyes